
Support Noti by buying one of the package below!

User Premium

Unlock exclusive features and enjoy premium perks with this plan.

Total of 3 features!

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Server Premium

Unlock advanced features and enhance your server with our premium offerings.

Total of 26 features!

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Server Premium Plus

Unlock the full potential of our bot and enjoy the best features we have to offer.

Total of 33 features!

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Compare the features of each plan.

User FeatureUser Free User Premium ($9.99)
1x Server Premium
Global Vote Skip
Linked Roles
Server FeatureServer Free Server Premium ($4.99)Server Premium Plus ($7.99)
Default Connections306090
Default Auto Status Roles111
Basic Syncable Roles
All Syncable Roles
Streamer Live Role
Stat Counters
Vote Skipping
Kick Audit Logs
Leaderboard Command
Refreshing Leaderboard
Leaderboard Sync Roles
Beta Access
Priority Notifications
Kick Clips
Kick Notifications
Twitch Notifications
Import Emojis
Import Emojis With Sub Lock
Custom Webhooks
Global Message Editor
Sync Social Usernames
Auto Delete Notifications
Test Notification Command
Custom Cooldowns
Welcome And Leave Notifications
Notification Ping Role
Per Streamer Custom Message Editor
Birthday Notifications
Disable Offline Notifications
Rumble Notifications
Allow Auto Publish Notifications
Notification Overrides
Use Custom Buttons
Allow VOD Notifications


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